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the Fatherly Sacred Heart of God The Father? |
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“But the hour is coming, and is now here, We know that Jesus is the “Way, the truth and the Life” but we must ask, the way to what?The way to the Father. The Father is our destination, our Creator and our Father who calls us home, the Alpha and the Omega. All of the messages given through Chris Courtis are to encourage and enable all the children of God to know, honor and love the Father and live in His Most Holy and Divine Will, and for that we need to abide in God the Father’s Most Sacred Heart. Mary, our Mother told us in Lesson 9 in January of 2001,
Jesus said on April 23, 2001.
God the Father told us in His first appearance April 13, 2002
This is what I have come to say today. The eight promises I shall give to all nations, all kindred and tongues and people who accept My Heart as the Sacred Heart of the Father. “ How Do We Abide In His Fatherly Sacred Heart? Devotion to the Fatherly Sacred Heart of God the Father is essentially a relationship of love. We acknowledge that God loves us, we accept that love, and we love Him back Many instructions for abiding in the Sacred Heart of God the Father have been given through Chris. God the Father said in His first message April 13, 2001, we are to receive Him in the Blessed Sacrament. He said, “…when you receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, you receive Me, your Father, as well. I AM THAT I AM. I am one with my Son and My Son is one with Me as is our Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are all one, one in Will, one in love, bound to each other in the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. When you receive the Eucharistic Jesus, not only do you receive My Son, but you receive ME. …I dwell in you, and so does Our Holy Spirit.” Then On April 32, 2001 Jesus said: “But, My little ones, you must ask yourselves how can I be united to the Father’s Sacred Heart? “First, you must love God the Father with all your heart and ask Him to grace you with love so that you may grow in God's love. Second, you must love Him back. God the Father, just like Me His Son, waits for you to be affectionate with Us. Be affectionate with Us, tell God the Father that you love Him and that you wish to do His Will and thus live in It, for you cannot hope to live in Our Most Holy Will when you can't even do what He asks of you. I say to you this, you cannot be united to living in God's Most Holy Will without being united to His Most Sacred Heart. The last and final thing you must do is consciously consecrate your heart to the Sacred Heart of the Father. Pray simply and ask Him thus ; Our Father who resides in Heaven, I approach your throne and ask that You give to me the grace of abiding within your Most Sacred Heart. I promise to love Thee and to adore Thee with all my heart and soul. O Mighty Father, love me and let me love you so that I may also be one in Your Most Holy Will. You, O God, are my Creator and my Father of Mercy and Love, and it is in Thee that I do trust that Thy love becomes my own, and that Thy Will becomes my will, and that I may live and do Thy Will, not just in this world, but in the next. O Most Merciful and Loving Heart of the Father, I love and trust in Thee through Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen” Our Lady asked us to pray the following prayers throughout our day to help us abide in the Fatherly Sacred Heart of God the Father.
Jesus has given us a prayer imploring the help of the Holy Spirit to love God more. Because we are weak and need the help of the Holy Spirit to love as we should, Jesus gave us this prayer in which we ask the Holy Spirit to imprison us with the Most Passionate Flame of Love:
Another devotion helping us to abide in the Sacred Heart of the Father is the Chaplet of the Father of All Mankind which was given to Barabara Centelli in 1996. In their messages to Chris, Our Lady recommended praying this chaplet daily and Jesus said that if we want to please Him, we would pray one formal Chaplet of God the Father once a week as a means of meditating on the Divine Order of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification. The response in this chaplet is, “Father, I love you and I give myself to you.” More information on the chaplet and consecration to The Father of All Mankind can be found at http://www.sdbv.org/html/_father_of_all_mankind.html (order a free chaplet) or order a booklet and chaplet at: https://www.saintandrew.com/categories.php?category=Father-of-All-Mankind or download the book (40 page) at: http://www.sdbv.org/God_The_Father/FOAM_WORD_FINAL.doc Other devotions given through Chris Courtis specific to helping us abide in the Father’s Heart can be found at these links: • Consecration to the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of God the Father • Blue Scapular Devotion to the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Eight First Mondays – Sacred Heart of God the Father • Blue Scapular Devotion to the Sacred Heart of God the Father •
Venerate the image of the Sacred Heart of God the Father |