Image of
Mary, Our Lady, Mother of Mercy

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In her April 13, 2004 message to the world through Chris Courtis, Our Lady said, “Also, I do desire a painting of me under this title of Our Lady of Mercy.” (

Guided by Chris’ description and sketch of his vision of Mary on April 13, 2004, a member of the prayer group painted this image of Mary, Our Lady, Mother of Mercy.

The painting was then blessed initially by Our Lady and the Child Jesus on November 13, 2004 when it was first brought to the prayer meeting. It was then blessed by Chris' pastor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Washington D.C. on December 24, 2004 and then by Chris’ spiritual director, a Benedictine Monk, on January 8, 2005.

On January 13, 2005, Our Lady and the Child Jesus gave the painting a special blessing.

“I also wish you to know this very night that I bless this painting (Mother of Mercy). I bless this painting with a special blessing along with my Son who I hold in my arms. I bless this painting with the graces and blessings that God has given to me. Through this painting you will receive graces, blessings, healings of all kinds, but most importantly, there will be great, great conversions, for I am the Mother of God and your Mother of Mercy. I desire, dear children that you venerate me, under this title. Great graces will flow through this painting, especially healing and conversions which the world so desperately needs. Through the title of Mother of Mercy, I shall obtain mercy and pardon, not only for you, but for the world.”

At the end of her message Our Lady said, “I also desire, before I leave, to tell you that it is through the title of Mother of Mercy that both the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church shall be united as one, for both priests have blessed this painting and it carries with it the zeal from both of them.” (

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