Message (1) from JESUS OF MERCY


April 24, 2006 through Chris Courtis, a visionary in Maryland, U.S.A.


My dear ones,

My first message that I wish to say is this:  I desire that every soul be united to My Father’s Fatherly Sacred Heart, and I desire that men make the first five Mondays.  However, before you make the first five Monday’s devotion to My Father’s Fatherly Sacred Heart, I desire to tell everyone that the Father is the Father.  He will not have mercy on you unless you have mercy on yourself and on others, especially on My Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. 


Therefore, I invite you to do all the firsts of each devotion, the first to St. Joseph for the sins of those who sin against him, for those fathers who walk away.  Go and make reparation to his Most Chaste Heart by making the first Wednesdays.  Do this first, then do the first Saturdays devotion to My mother’s Most Immaculate Heart.  Those who sin against her, sin against Me.  Those who love her must honor her requests in Fatima and make the first Saturdays devotions.  You help heal My mother’s heart through making reparations and by doing the first Saturdays.  Then you shall also heal My heart.  So please, make the first Saturdays, then make the first Fridays devoted to My Sacred Heart.  Then make the first Mondays, and God shall bless you even more when you honor and respect Me, the Son of God who is also the Son of Man. 


I desire also to tell you that there shall no longer be five consecutive months devoted to His Fatherly Sacred Heart.  God desired to test you to see if you would keep this devotion for five months, from April through August.  Now that you have, God will increase it to eight months. So it will not end in August.  It will end in November.  November shall be the end to the eight first Mondays devotion to the Sacred Heart of God My Father.  Therefore, you shall go from April through November from now on.  God the Father wants you to make this devotion to Him, but first He wants you to make the devotion to the other’s hearts and make reparation to all the other hearts, My father St. Joseph’s, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, My Sacred Heart, and then God the Father’s Sacred Heart. When you heal one heart, you heal all the others that come after it.  So please, make these devotions. Please, there is grace and mercy found in these devotions if you wish to accept it.  And now, my second message.

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